- In this blog post i will display a number of technical assessments these include Location Recce,technical recce,risk assessments,a Shooting Schedule ,mise en scene and Cast, Crew, Equipment and Props lists.
Location Recce
Risk Assessments
Shooting Schedule
Mise-en-scene description
Mise –en scene explains how different elements work together to produce a film
• Set Design/Location
For our opening sequence the room will be displayed in a spacious area, this will set a good atmosphere for a doctors surgery. It has one door and a number of windows on one side of the room with a dark carpet.
• Lighting
In the sixth form A.s room there are a number of windows displayed on one side of the room this will provide us with man made natural sunlight,this will brighten the room enough to look like a realistic doctors surgery.
• Character Movement
The first shot is an establishing shot and shows the overview of the surgery the second shot displays one doctor entering the room and walking, to take a seat at the desk it films them talking to one another using shot revers shot. then finally both doctors get up and one doctor walks out the room.
• Props
For our opening sequence we will need props to display a realistic doctors surgery. For example we will gather a number of posters which doctors surgery may have and place them on the bare walls. Set the desk up with a computer screen and have a number of files on the desk with a water bottle also have chairs placed either side of the desk. In the back ground we will place a file cabinet to ensure when that area is shoot , it looks like a realistic doctors surgery.
• Costume
For our opening sequence we will need costume to display realistic doctors. Therefore we have purchased a white lap coat to express a doctor and the other doctor is going to be wearing a smart outfit and glasses. These costumes fit the theme of the characters.
•Hair / Make-up
For our opening sequence we will need the hair and make up to display a realistic doctor look , so therefore both doctors will have there hair done nicely so it looks professional.
Cast, Crew, Equipment and Props lists.