Wednesday, 4 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.7: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From my preliminary task I feel I have improved because I feel more confidant with the camera. As a group we used a variety of shot sizes compared to my preliminary task I feel this time around the genre and camera work was chosen for complexity and to achieve a different level this time around we organised it to challenge us rather than choosing a genre which was common.By choosing a genre which consists of two it allowed us to target a range of audience however, to still be specific as well.  In my preliminary task i tended to use allot of shot reverse shot however, I could not achieve this in this opening sequence because it only consisted of one character.In this opening sequence I used variety of shots including low angle shots and shots angled through the mirror which i did not use before.

A range of shots From my opening sequence which I did not use in my preliminary task.

Compared to my preliminary task I didn't have opening credits to the extent we have in our final product. This created us, as a group to think about how we would incorporate the titles. Also its notified that all music from artists are copyrighted so therefore we couldn't use their music. We had to go onto unsigned band websites to use their music. You can also get non copy righted Cd's.Which we originally used however had to change as the Cd was quite old. 

Main Post Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In this post I will display the process of constructing our product through a moodboard.

Through handling all equipment I have learnt how to use and take care of the equipment. For example when it came to filming our opening sequence we as a group had to take full responsibility for the equipment. Whilst editing it was important to understand that we could not drink or eat around the computer and in the editing suite room.

Other Internet programmes I used was YouTube, google and my blogger account. As a group we feel that we would find it hard to complete our task if we didn't have access to these programmes, For example if we didn't have access to YouTube we wouldn't be able to view our final project or linking work such as focus groups. Also It would be hard to view other Rom-com examples.

Above you can see what technologies and programmes we used For example we used various website one of which included unsigned bands .org . It was important for us to use unsigned band website to receive our music as we needed to access the correct music for our final project. Other Internet site including google was used to research information for example other Rom-Com's key words and finding pictures to add to our blogs. Blogger was used to display all of our work. I found blogger useful as you could display your work on the Internet without it getting lost. We used Divx to upload our videos to YouTube as our opening sequence videos are big files, Divx makes the files small enough to fit onto YouTube. Power point was useful to place screen grabs onto and change the files into  JPEG to then finally upload onto our blogs.

MAIN Post 12.5: Question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience?

In our opening sequence we used a variety of ways to attract an audiences although we wanted our film to be conventional and fit the genre we also tried to add other aspect into our opening sequence create our audience as wide as possible. 

As our opening sequence was a romantic comedy we understood that we had two genres linked into one and we was aware that we needed to fulfill both we did this by showing elements of both genres for example representing the comedy element through our character JENNY falling over and then we displayed the romance element through the use of wording in the text. These elements are represent below.
Displaying elements of romance and comedy.

Representation of our titles.
In our opening sequence Specific titles attract the eye of our audience as they are displayed in creative ways. Also their delivered in motion so the audience can see them appearing. The use of colours will also attract the audience.

In our opening sequence we display a narrative enigma in the scene where JENNY is texting and emailing at the same time this allows the audience to ask the question, wanting to know whats happens with the love interest and whether the boss replies to the email which was meant to be to her love interest.However it could imply that our whole opening sequence is an enigma as the audience are waiting for what JENNY does next. The Audience get intrigued when JENNY is rushing around its suggest she has to be somewhere and the audience will probably guess she going to work.However, the audience will understand that she is running late and will want to know what happens whether she gets into trouble or makes it on time.

This screen grab shows JENNY replying to her boss rather that her love interest.

To receive feedback from others we went around school and found three girls who fitted the target audience. Displaying their age of 16-17 which was the youngest age band of our target audience. We asked them various questions.Also whilst editing we asked other students who were around at the time to view are project one was 18 and because we wanted a boys perceptive we asked a boy of 19 to view it. 

From looking on the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) it apparent that the guidelines lead our film to be viewed at a 12a. This is resulted to the swearing , as its moderated swearing it would not be suitable for children under the age of 12, unless they were accompanied by an adult in cinema release situations. However our film would not be any higher than a 12a because it doesn't contain violence or scene from a sexual nature or no drugs and horror scenes however, these aspect would not fit our genre, so would not be expected to place them in our film.If this occurred then we would be miss leading our audience.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Main Post 12.4 Question 4

who would be the audience for your media product ?

From recent research including our pre production questionnaires its noticed that our ideal target audience would entail an age range from late teens to mid twenty's to maybe thirty's.As our main character is a female itautomatically result in a female audience this is conventional because not many men tend to watch Rom-Com's.without women. The main audience is directed at females many females linked to this age range watch Rom-Com's because it makes them feel superior to the character. Also this type of genre creates an escape route from their own lives. Our Target audience would take an interest in fashion as our main character Carree is based around this also people who enjoy love stories would be among our target audience.As our genre is dived into two this impales our audience therefore people who enjoy comedy's who also like our film.

For example below is an average girl we would be aiming to Target our audience towards. She most probably would have been to university or has a job. You can tell that she takes care in her appearance and likes to accessorize this suggests she has an interest in fashion. She may also be experiencing a potential love interest in her life and could relate to our film.  

20years old
Another audience member which we have aimed to target is a 30 year old women.

MAIN Post 12.3: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Its notified that the role of the production company would be to produce the film then supporting it by providing majority of the funding and advertisement such as expanding the publicity. This could be done in a variety of way for instance the use of convergence to make our company and film more popular, we could converge with another company to build the publicity. Technical convergence involves joining together with another institution such as the Internet to expand the promotion.Or through the joining together with another well known distribution company for example SONY. In order to receive money to distribute the film it would have to be displayed in a film festival I.e. Cannes or pinewood so buyers could obtain the film.
The type of media institution which we would want to distribute our film would be a global company like SONY the reasons for this are that they have already converged with other company's for example the coco cola company.There are also many aspects which are related to Sony for example film and television production company, Sony pictures, Sony tri star and Columbia pictures also as Sony is promoted the name is well established. Sony have distributed many romantic comedies such as '50 first dates and made in manhattan'

Although as a group we would want a company like Sony to distribute our film for the reason that its global and well established. However, as our film is British and the genre of our film is Rom-com its notified that not many British Rom-Com's are distributed by Sony. Therefore to be realistic its more likely for a company like Ealing Studios to distribute our film. I feel it would still be benefical because they have experienced with producing and distributing romantic comedy's.For instance St trinian's and Noting Hill.

MAIN Post 12.2: Question 2

In this post I will analyse how my media product represent particular social groups through displaying images of our character in our opening sequence to another character in a Rom-com .
Between these two comparison of screenshots you can tell that our character is dressed in conventional clothing firstly displaying her in her PJ'S and then later on dressed smartly ready for work. We wanted our character to be shown in a way that she has a good career although her personality is sometime shown as clumsy it was important to get across why she was unorganized and rushing around. Between the too screen grabs its signified that Rom- com use this type of clothing in these style of films. It also suggests that the social groups portrays a professional and ambitious relation.

Our Rom-com relays a single women living alone with a good career displaying her social life. Its expressed that she takes her job seriously however is shown in a dippy manner the type of social group which would link to this film is aimed at women who enjoy these aspects . Or feel they can relate to the film.For example the social group could include single women living alone or with a flat mate, work hard however find themselves in awkward humiliating situations continuously.

This is a screen shot is from our opening sequence. This display our character in Pajamas and then later on in her smart dressed work clothes.

This screen grab shows the similarity between Emily in Devil wears Prada and JENNY from our opening sequence.
Devil Wears Prada and L.o.v.e opening sequence comparison of them thinking about their day ahead.

This screenshot is from "In her shoes"and 50 first dates they show that Rom-Com's use this comparison and style of clothing.

We see our character as a young version of Emily in the Romantic comedy 'Devil wears Prada. This is because the characters have similar careers, their characteristic and personality are comparable in the sense that they are clumsy. This is shown when our character JENNY falls over and is displayed throughout the whole opening sequence that shes rushing around and in fact is late for work. This is similar in the film devil wears Prada Emily behaves in relative ways (as shown above) However a British film which our character would relate to would be Bridget Jones.  

Bridget Jones comparison between our character and her.described above  

Friday, 29 April 2011

MAIN Post 12.1: Question 1

Our Genre is a Romantic comedy as a group we have used our character to fit the conventions of the behaviour in a Rom-com for example you see our character talking to a potential love interest through text. This is often seen in Rom-com opening sequence, to notify the audience on what is about to come later on in the film. Part of our character personality is displayed in the opening sequence as you see her sending an email to her boss which should be sent to her potential love interest. Also you see her fall over and clumsy aspects appear. This is conventional for a Rom-com as there's aspects of comedy shown throughout.

Our opening sequence first shot opens with a display shot of our main character, JENNY in bed waking up to the sound of the alarm. As our Film genre is a Rom-com it was conventional that we only had one character in our opening sequences as this allows the audience to realise what the main focus was. Majority of Rom-Com's for instance "in her shoes" start with the character in bed waking up. Also '13 going on 30' shows the focus only on one character in their opening sequence to show the audience who the film is about.
It was recognised that our camera work portrays the aspects of the character which we entailed to do so. For example the use of shots we used such as extreme close up / close up and low angle shots, relate with the genre of the film because it shows expression to her own actions. Many Rom-Com's signify important points which appear or link later on in the film.

We have a narrative enigma in our opening sequence as our character JENNY is texting her male friend and emailing her boss. However, accidentally sends the text to her boss, these types of enigmas are conventional in Romantic comedies where they set up a love interest and occupation within the opening sequence through a narrative enigma. By doing this it allows the audience to understand what type of genre the film is and how the character get puzzled.
In our opening sequence our titles are displayed in a conventional way as majority of them are objects spelling out the title. For instance we use a fridge magnets placed on a fridge spelling out a name. This helps the audience understand what type of genre the film is because many of other Rom-Com's use the same technique. As our character is in bed, she rolls over pulling the pillow with her so the shot can see the other side of the pillowcase as it read 'Kings Langley productions' In colours which signify love and romance also our other titles which appear on a black screen are in pink and silver this is because it represents femininity. This also matches the title of the film 'l.o.v.e 'as its shown on a bracelets in the colours schemes of silver.

This display One of our titles in our opening sequence however this title was not integrated in with the process of the film . It just appears, where as other titles we have used such as 'Becky trimmer' displaying on the post is integrated in with the action as she puts the post down.
This display our title of our film.

A convention of a Romantic comedy is showing the character facing a problem, in our opening sequence. We show our characters complexity with finding tights without holes in them. We also show how our character is in a rush to be ready for work from this you see her fall over on magazines placed on the floor this is also conventional as it shows an element of comedy. JENNY'S room is purposefully in a mess and unorganised as we wanted to show her personality as resulting in disaster this is conventional for instance in the Rom-com 'Bridget Jones' her personality is displayed as scatty, yet shes shown as a willing character however, hard she tries she doesn't sussed. To an extent we wanted this to be similar as our character. Wherever she is or whatever shes doing she still has this personality and characteristic of being clumsy and problematic.

The music which is demonstrated in our opening sequence is conventional because its cheerful. Many Romantic comedy's have love songs or similar music. In our opening sequence we didn't include much dialog, as from watching other opening sequence of Rom-Com's they didn't tend to have dialog however, we did use the repeating technique. For example in 'four weddings and a funeral' the word 'fuck' is repeated for effect and to display to the audience that there's a problem. This also adds an element of comedy. In our opening sequence we repeated the word 'shit' twice this added the correct elements. The reason for not using dialog throughout our opening sequence is because many Rom com don't display dialog as it about setting the scene and establishing the character.
However, in our opening sequence we have atmosphere sound to make our opening sequence look natural. Our character JENNY makes noises to show she is annoyed at how clumsy she is being.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Main Task 12a: Evaluation- Audience Feedback

In this post I will display, audience feed back through a focus group showing them a rough cut of our opening sequences and our final cut. The clips will express the audiences opinions of our opening sequences. The first clip will allow us to make improvements on our opening sequence and will give us idea on what improvements to make.
We showed our opening sequence to girls aged 16 to 17. As a group, we decided on this age and gender because it was applicable with our genre and targets the correct audience. Below displays a clip demonstrating our feed back on our rough cut. The feed back we received from this was that our rough cut was jumpy in spaces and didn't seem to flow. Following this it created our titles to be short clips and when texts messages were displayed they found it hard to read. From this they felt we needed to lengthen our shots. Another opinion which came across was that our titles needed to be clearer displaying the name so the audience could read instantly. In our rough cut the main point which became apparent from our feedback was that they found the opening sequence was too long. For example the clip of our main character getting dressed. The audience felt that it dragged out and in a result became boring .
This clip display our focus group views on our rough cut of our opening sequence.

This clip displays the same focus groups however, presenting their new opinions on our improvements of our final cut of our opening sequence.
The feedback was good they said they now found it less boring as we managed to time reduce the timeof about 2 minutes.They stated that our choice of music worked well and also helped to make the final cut less boring and more gripping and interesting. From others watching the final cut we received feedback, which read that they liked how the final cut had a lots of jump cuts.As this is a convention for a rom-com and they found that it made the opening sequence light hearted and in some ways, made the audience feel Superior to the character as they felt above them. It was described as interesting and cheerful.

MAIN Post 11: Final L.O.V.E Opening Sequence

In this post, it displays Our final opening sequence however as we had to change our music at the last minuet becuase of copyright reasons, we have decided to post both opening sequence to relay this information.

New final opening sequence with new music.

Final opening sequence with old music.

Monday, 4 April 2011

MAIN Post 10: Post-production

In this post I will describe the process we went through to edit our opening sequence, including the unexpected occurrences and the disadvantage and advantage which occurred.

First of all we took our footage to the edit suite and captured our footage. We then completed the logging rush and then labeled what shots we wanted to use and what we didn't need , it became clear that we made a mistake and captured all of our footage this way it made the editing process much longer than we expected. As we completed our filming in one day it allowed us more time to complete our logging rush document. Once it was completed  we used this document to select specific clips from our project and place the shots in the timeline. Our aim was firstly, to produce a rough cut of our opening sequence so we could visualise our project then make alterations where we felt they were needed. Once we had completed our rough we exported it and showed it to a focus group.As a group we knew our project wasn't perfect and understood what changes we needed to make however we showed it to a focus group to see if our concerns matched theirs, Or if there was any added concerns what we hadn't picked up on. Our rough cut included selected shots with added titles. All what was left to do after was perfecting our opening sequence with the added help from our audience feed back, until we as a group was happy with our opening sequences.

Whilst editing we encountered several problems which in some cases increased us with more work, we wanted our project to still fit the genre of a romantic comedy. As a group we put in allot of extra hours to make sure our project met the conventions it needed. We feel as a group that we are happy with our over all, opening sequence and our editing techniques however there was some mishaps which transpired in the process of editing.These included, parts of our footage became clear that the camera work was not steady however we had to uses these shot because we didn't have any others. the only way possible to over come this problem was to cut the clips down as much as possible so it wasn't notable to see how the shot wasn't static. We also had another shot where the camera work was not steady. This occurred because the camera was focusing on a phone and as our character JENNY moves the phone the camera has to pan down to see the phone again. With this problem we needed to slow the shot down so the audience could read the texts and emails from this we then lead  this into a jump cut to see it clearer once more. Although this was negative at first in the end it worked out well due to our genre. We made these shot into jump cuts and it went well with the music.Although some of our shots don't look natural and flow together we wanted our project to fit in with the genre and be upbeat and flow with the music. As majority of our opening sequence display Our character getting ready we wanted the filming and editing to be fast beat jump cuts to explore JENNYS hectic lifestyle through a sort period of time and to receive the right conventions of the specif genre of a Rom-com.

In majority of our shots we had to use artificial lighting to produce the same lighting throughout the house.It soon became clear that some of our shots were quite dark and therefore created shadows. Some of the scenes went from light to dark and raised the problem of the shot and feel of the opening sequence to look unnatural and therefore created shadows.

From our feed back it became apparent that one of our titles was displayed with fridge magnets however it wasn't clear to the audience what it said so as a group we decided to re shoot this. as a group we are happy because in the editing we used special effects to speed up the fridg magnets.

After this we then showed our final cut to the same focus group to receive information about our opening sequence and to see if it had improved from before.

However after exporting our Rough cut and final cut we received an email from YouTube, stating that our music was possibly owned by 'Go digital' therefore this created repercussions for us as a group. We got our music off a UN copyright CD. However it seemed that the CD was currently seven years old. Consequently we had no other choice but to change our music at the last minuet. We feel as a group that our Previous music flowed and kept the opening sequence exciting and interesting whereas we feel this music now is continues and can be seen as boring however it fits with the genre of the film and meets the exam board requirements so therefore we are happy with the outcome.

This is our Rough cut of our opening sequence.

This shows us adding in a cross dissolve because it conventional with the genre of our film.

This screen shot represents us dragging our captured footage into the correct area i.e the timeline ready to edit.

This screen grab represents what our shots looked like before we altered the lightening.

This shot represent us altering the lightening tecquinies as we wanted our shot to match throughout our opening sequence.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

MAIN TASK post 9 Production

In this post I will keep an updated log on how I felt filming went.We decided that we would film the whole content in  the duration of one day as it would give us more time to edit it all together. Then we could decide weather we needed to re shoot anything.We decide to Shoot our footage in one day in the half term. We had to take sound levels and continue into consideration so the timing of the filming was very important. It became apparent that we should film late morning as the parents in the house would be out and because the house was situated near a main road it helped with the traffic noise. Firstly we arrived at our location and studies our shot list and other documents to decide where to place the camera. We started with the end scenes in our opening sequences because the end scenes were situated outside so we had to take into consideration lighting, as we wanted it to be a natural source of light. whilst we was outside filming we had a few amount of problems with pedestrians vans passing by and being noticed on camera.However we felt as our genre was a rom com we wanted the atmosphere to look natural so thankfully the noise from a white van parking up fits within the scene. However the with the pedestrians we had to conduct a number of shoots.     

Majority of our shots were filmed with a tripod however in some cases we wanted to achieve certain angles for example angles filmed through a mirror, to achieve this we had to use hand held camera work as our location did not allow the tripod to fit in a very small spaces from this, some problems which occurred were due to filming without a tripod from this some of our shots were not static. I feel that some of our footage we should of taken more than one shot because this only allowed us to have one opportunity to make the shot work.However as we our filming only took four hours, it allowed us to have more time to edit and this became beneficial for us.

When filming in JENNY'S bedroom some problems occurred which we didn't originally encounter for example we originally planned to use natural lighting however it became apparent that we had to show the audience the difference of night and day. As our opening sequence starts with JENNY asleep the curtains had to be drawn this continued until later on in the clip when JENNY'S draws the curtains back, as the window is across one wall it created shadows in our shots. The created some of the shots to be dull so therefore we used available artificial lighting. When creating our shot list we didn't expect particular shots to caused us problems compared to others for example the shot of the pillow case displaying 'Kings Langley productions'. We had to film this at least 4 attempts because JENNY had to roll over whilst taking the pillow case with her. However it was hard to read the lettering and the lighting was quite dark. Another Shot what created us problems was the shot of JENNY throwing her tights at her tampon box .When we originally thought of this we thought it would look slick however the shot took us about 10 attempts then when we had achieved this we need to re shot it because we needed a variety of angles. In the end we had to use a variety of shot to make it look like the box feel on the floor.

To conclude I feel our filming went well and as a group we are pleased with the outcome of our footage we managed to produce jump cuts what fitted well with the music and gained positive outcome with genre of our film. 

Monday, 31 January 2011

MAIN Post 8: Pre-production documenatation

In This pre-production post I will display all of the vital documents needed including the synopsis of the whole film, the synopsis of the opening sequence, Treatment (complete with detail of titles and their timings) Location Recce ,Shot list and any other relevant evidence to be shown in this post.
Synopsis of whole film
We have decided that our film is focused on a women who is an alluring free spirit young English women with a hectic lifestyle. We will display her unorganised personality and her main focuses on life.We will address her in her everyday life, juggling her hectic lifestyle, displaying she's single and has no time to date as she devoted to her job as a editor of a fashion magazine. The film will show her go through a number of dates which fail for different reasons, for example her she sends the wrong message to her boss instead of her love interest.Things seem to keep going wrong for Jenny her clumsy personality comes across however a burst of luck comes her way, when she finds love and finally meets her match.
Synopsis of opening sequence
In the opening sequence we will display the the young women in her house rushing around her room trying to get ready in time for her day ahead,The room will be shown in a messy state as this will represent her unorganised lifestyle. It will come frequent that the opening credits will be displayed in the film itself by using objects for example in fridge magnets.

Shot list 

location Recce
Our location recce displays the feel of the character it represents her attitudes and lifestyle.

Props list / costume list 

Risk Assessment

Mise-en-scene Description 
Set design/ Location
Our Rom-com is based in a house showing she has money from her job but the house is going to reflect her lifestyle for instance her bedroom is going to be pink with white furniture however her bedroom is going to be displayed in a messy state. In our rom-com we will film in the kitchen the bathroom and hall. As she is a young women we want the set to look basic an what would relate to her character.

Shooting Schedule
Tuesday 22nd February
12- onwards until natural light is too dark

Character movement
Majority of JENNY'S character movement is showing her rushing around this is to represent JENNY'S personality and give an insight of her everyday life. In our opening sequence one of the begining shots of JENN'Y is showing her waking up and rushing out the room this display her characteristic of being un- organised , clumsy and has a very hectic life. There are also elements of her character movement that just reflect her normal life for instance when she is getting ready she is shown brushing her teeth, putting on her makeup and getting dressed.
The lightening will display a natural look as there will be lightening coming through the whole of the back wall of JENNY'S bedroom as the window takes up majority of the wall. However we will prevent some light when needed for instance we will script it by showing JENNY opening and drawing the curtains to suggest weather its day or night. This will make the shots look natural. We will try not to use artificial lighting however if it is needed there is a ceiling light in the bedroom and a bedside table light if the natural light is too dim. The bathroom window is situated across the back of one whole wall, this allows a lot of natural light also because its at the front of the house there is already a lot of natural light. This will once again enhance our shots to look realistic and a natural look. The bathroom does have a ceiling light but we probably wont use it if its light outside. The kitchen has windows along too walls as its situated at the back of the house there isn't a lot of natural light but there is artificial lightening we can use. As Rom -com are light and bubbly we need to display this in choice of lightening for example we need to show JENNY'S life in a realistic way by doing this we need to have bright lightening preferably natural as it will look more realistic.  

Hair and makeup
JENNY'S hair will be left down and straightened. Her makeup will be a natural base and she attempts to do her eye makeup however its smudges and she gives up.
Firstly you will see JENNY in her bed wear which will be p,j bottoms and a vest top . Then you see her get dressed for work this includes black tights a tight black skirt a fashion top a blazer and heels this is to represent her work authority as it displays she is smartly dressed wearing heels which most women her age would wear to work.

We felt it was important to use a majority of different props as we found out from our research Rom-com include a lot of props to display the characters personality. So therefore we are going to have fashion magazine all over her bedroom floor to resemble her job as a fashion editor,we will also knock over a box of tampons to cover the comedy element in the Rom-com. A wide majority of our titles are going to be displayed in props for example the name of the film shown on a bracelets , the actress and directs names shown through fridge magnets or on the post. By using everyday products allows us to link in with the character and portrays that natural look of her everyday life which Rom- com achieve. Other props we use are as follows tooth paste, toothbrush, makeup clocks hand bag. This revels to the audience that she has a normal everyday life style.   
Amy: Actress who will be playing JENNY
Alice: The camerawomen, Costume and make-up also director and editor.
Becky:The camerawomen and Director also editor
Chloe: Main Director, commenting on camera angles. responsible for Props and also editor

Technical Reece
Unwanted Noise: As our location is set in a house and outside on a fairly busy road we will allow for atmosphere noise, however the best time to film is when there is no-one else in the house as there will be no unwanted noise. Also we will film outside after cars have gone by.  

Animals: In our location a dog and a cat live there so we will have to make sure that they are not in our shots or make noises which we don’t want them to make.

Outside filming:  we will have to be aware when outside of pedestrians as you don’t want them in our shot, traffic isn’t a main problem as we want the footage to look realistic but the noise of the traffic make cause a problem, we will have to try and film in a quiet part of the day.
Weather: For the outside scene the weather will affect when we film as we won’t be able to film when its raining as it could ruin the equipment
Cars in drive: We will also need to make sure that no cars are parked in the drive when we are filming as this will make the shot look bad and we don’t want to show the character as having a car

Story board

Pre-production individual report

Throughout the pre production stage we had to make final decision about our opening sequence. We met with our head of media teacher and it was noticed that our synopsis of our whole film was fairly vague and she suggested that we added more detail. So as a group we went away and discussed the outcome of our Rom-com. After a few changes were made, about the ages of our character and her job description we began to continue on the pre production documents. We completed our shot list however, when it came to doing our story board, it became clear that some of our original shots weren't going to work so we had to make changes to our shot list by adding more shots for example by changing the shot size and angles.

Our group consisted of 3 people so we decided to split the work up fairly however when doing all of our documents we all was present and discussed how and what to do. As our group only had three people in it we had more work to do however as we all worked together contributing ideas it worked well for us.