In this post I will share my notes on the two interviews displayed below on how it might influence my designs.
Kyle Cooper Interview (Part 1)
Kyle Cooper Interview (Part 2)
From these interviews i received information which could potentially help me when creating my own opening sequence.From watching these interviews I found it useful for when My group start to work on our opening sequence because it came apparent that their was interesting idea which was shown in the interview which i wasn't aware of.
Its reveled that both interviews talks about Kyle Cooper views and opinions on opening sequence and his thoughts on what is perceived as a good opening sequence. Its implied that a good opening sequence is meant to leave a good impression on you, This is to suggest that you as an audience is hooked on the film and will want to see more. By them doing this it leads people going to see the film. This will influence our choices when making our opening sequence because it give the idea of trying to create a gripping interesting opening sequence as we don't want it to be boring. Target audience is important when thinking about an opening sequence because you need to make sure the opening sequence relays to the target audience. When Kyle Cooper talks about To kill a mocking bird he relays that the opening sequence is effected by its use of camera angles for example the classic horizontal lines gives the impression of a good contrast and the typography is integrated rather than being an afterthought. Relating to my groups idea for our own opening sequence its apparent that we shall take into detail every characteristic to reveal an opening sequence with these skills.
From what Kyle Cooper has said our ideas so far as a group have linked quite well. They fit the boundaries of kyle impression for example our typography idea was mention in the interview of Kyle Cooper and displays its effective.
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