Wednesday 4 May 2011

MAIN Post 12.7: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From my preliminary task I feel I have improved because I feel more confidant with the camera. As a group we used a variety of shot sizes compared to my preliminary task I feel this time around the genre and camera work was chosen for complexity and to achieve a different level this time around we organised it to challenge us rather than choosing a genre which was common.By choosing a genre which consists of two it allowed us to target a range of audience however, to still be specific as well.  In my preliminary task i tended to use allot of shot reverse shot however, I could not achieve this in this opening sequence because it only consisted of one character.In this opening sequence I used variety of shots including low angle shots and shots angled through the mirror which i did not use before.

A range of shots From my opening sequence which I did not use in my preliminary task.

Compared to my preliminary task I didn't have opening credits to the extent we have in our final product. This created us, as a group to think about how we would incorporate the titles. Also its notified that all music from artists are copyrighted so therefore we couldn't use their music. We had to go onto unsigned band websites to use their music. You can also get non copy righted Cd's.Which we originally used however had to change as the Cd was quite old. 

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